Bank robbery

March 1
Dear Editor,
Having read the article on a bank robbery at a Teulada Bank which made me realise what a world this is becoming as the robber faces 15 years in prison for stealing €27,000, when banks caused thousands of people making Spain their home, to lose hundreds of thousands of euros and still nothing has been done by the Spanish courts.
Over 16 years ago (even longer), others and I were robbed of our life savings by corrupt banks in Spain issuing mortgages on illegal properties. A UK bank’s subsidiary was also involved and was sold by the UK parent/holding bank.
In 2005, although the UK company law stated that a parent/holding company is responsible for their subsidiaries’ crimes the UK Ombudsman refused to investigate my case even though I have documents and letters from the UK bank that blatantly lie as they said “we cannot investigate in Spain. This UK owned bank’s subsidiary denied me access to the Initial Survey Document for 6 years and I received it only after I had assistance from the EU.
During the time, that I was without the Initial Survey this UK bank’s subsidiary held two investigations in my case, without me in attendance, and I received two letters full of lies.
I sent all my Documents and the lying letters to the UK bank but all I got was a letter telling me to contact the Spanish bank who purchased the UK bank’s subsidiary.
Incidentally, I ceased paying my mortgage in 2010 and neither bank has repossessed my property.
Another statistic your readers may like to know is that this UK Bank has had eight C.E.O’s and chairs since 2011.
So if I had robbed a bank and spent 15 years in jail, I would be in a much better position then I am in now, as a customer getting a bank in court is impossible.
Mike Kemp


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