Nice Balls!


There must be a cold snap in Hell, because I’m developing a soft spot for Ed Balls. The former Rottweiler-in-chief of the Labour party is prancing his way into public affections on ‘Strictly’, coming across as warm, amusing, affable and, dare I say it, likeable. He’s revealing a side to him that was lacking when he sat on the front benches. It may be a bit of a stretch to call him a National Treasure as Ed Miliband did on breakfast TV, but he is one of the most compelling reasons to watch the current series.
Sure, he’s the ultimate graceless dad dancer, but then the programme seems to be as much about personality as it is about hoofing. I also have a sneaking admiration for him doing something that’s so far out of his comfort zone, while donning garb I’d never have imagined him wearing. Mind you, he did look quite snazzy in the yellow suit and spats while dancing to Cuban Pete.
It’s quite funny to see a man once tipped as a future Labour leader and possible prime minister dancing rather than debating for our votes. Although he could still reach number 10. After all, he’s only 49. I imagine Balls could get back to the Commons any time he wants, once a seat becomes vacant. And if he does return to the political arena he’ll do so with a huge army of new fans, which may actually be part of his master plan.


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