Villajoyosa Moors and Christians fiesta programme


Villajoyosa is counting down the hours to the start of its famous fiestas declared of International Tourist Interest. Around 4000 people will taking an active part in the Moors and Christians festivities throuhout the week.

Wednesday, July 24

At 21.00 hours, from the headquarters of the Santa Marta Association, ENTRANCE OF MUSIC BANDS that will go through the streets Ciutat de València, Avenida del País Valencià, Barranquet, until it finishes at the Barbera de los Aragonés, where all the music bands will perform the Moorish march “Zalé Arraez” (Francisco Lacalle, 1964) and the Regional Anthem. It will end with a great mascletá (firework display) as the start of the fiestas.

Thursday, July 25

At 21.00 hours, the Moorish procession will start in Calle Colón, continue along Avenida País Valencià and end in the Plaza de la Generalitat. The troops will parade in the following order. Flag of the Santa Marta Association, Negres, Artillery of Islam, Moors of Capeta, Moors Mercaders, Moorish Artillery, Moors Pak-kos, Black Guard, Bedouins, Berber Pirates, Touareg, Moors of the Riff and the troops of the Moorish King with his entourage.

Friday, July 26

At 21.00 hours, Christian procession, which will start in Calle Colón, continue along Avenida País Valencià and end in the Plaza de la Generalitat. The troops will parade in the following order. Flag of the Santa Marta Association, Destralers, Llauradors, Almogávers, Marines, Caçadors, Voluntaris, Pescadors, Catalans, Christian Artillery, Smugglers, Corsair Pirates and the troops of the Christian King with his entourage

Saturday, July 27

At 18.00 hours, gathering of the Fisherman’s, Sailor’s, Corsair Pirates and Smugglers’ Troops at the Barranquet roundabout to go along the Avenida del Varadero to the port for the embarkation of the fiesta participants.

At 19.00 hours, concentration of Christian troops in the Censal park in front of Pizarro street to go to the beach area to defend the castle.

At 20.00 hours, on the beach, there will be a battle of Smugglers and Corsair pirates, who, despite the intense combat and the resistance of the Christian troops, will reach the foot of the castle at 20.30 hours.

At 21.00 hours. From the intersection of Calle Pizarro and Avenida del País Valencià to the castle located on the Centro beach, presentation of the Moorish troops to their king,

Sunday, July 28

From 00.00 to 03.00 hours, audio-visual display featuring video mapping of the landing at the Torrejó de la Costera de la Mar.

At 03.00 the Moorish troupes will go down Avenida Varadero to the port.

At 05.00 hours. The Christian army descends along the Costera del Mar to the Christian encampment on the Centro beach.

At 06.00. General alarm on the beach, arrival of the Emissary of the Moorish King in front of the castle, reading of the plea to the Christian King, followed by the beach landing and Moorish embassy.

At 20.00. Concentration of the Moorish troops in the Plaza de la Generalitat to go down to the beach through the old quarter.

At 20.30. Concentration of the Christian troops in the Plaza de la Generalitat to go down the Costera La Mar to the beach in the centre of the town.

At 21.00.  Christian troops reconquer  the castle on Centro beach.

Then, in the church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, act of Thanksgiving a 21 gun salute in honour of Santa Marta by the Christian Artillery, with the presence of the Moorish King and Christian King and the rest of the civil and fiesta authorities, to celebrate the Santa Marta saint’s day.

Monday, July 29

At 12.00 noon. Solemn mass in honour of Santa Marta in the church of nuestra señora de la asunción.

At 20.00 h. Solemn procession in honour of Santa Marta, in which the image of the patron saint will walk through the streets of the historic centre accompanied by the festive dignitaries, festive, civil and religious authorities and all the devotees and neighbours who wish to see it. The statue will be carried on the shoulders of the festive members of the Negres and Destralers troops.

At 00.30. The Santa Marta fireworks display will take place on the beach in the centre of the town.

Tuesday, July 30

At 13.00. Paella competition in Avenida Benidorm

Wednesday, July 31

At 20.00 hours.  Children’s float parade along Ciutat De Requena, Ibiza, Colón, País Valencià Avenue, Pizarro, Juan Carlos I Avenue, Germans Aragonés streets up to Huit De Maig street.


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