Police warn of ‘hugging thefts’ following new arrest

Woman targeted mainly elderly victims in Málaga, Torremolinos and Fuengirola

Police officers have been informing older residents about how the 'hugging thieves' operate

POLICE have issued another warning about pickpockets who practice “loving thefts” and prey particularly on the elderly. The advice follows the detention of a 25-year-old Romanian woman in Alicante on suspicion of having stolen valuables from victims aged from 65 to 84 years in Málaga, Torremolinos and Fuengirola during February.

The suspect is reported to have used the same method in each incident. She would choose an elderly person, usually a man wearing jewellery, and make an approach on the pretext of asking for directions or mistaking them for someone else. She would hug the person in thanks or greeting, at which point the theft would take place with the victim unaware until long after the thief had fled.


  1. This happened to me a few years ago in torromlinos by a bloke while I was walking with my family he took my wallet and ran and jumped in a car but I ran after him smashed his fingers in the car door smacked
    Him a few times and he gave me my wallet back and soon drove off bet he did not try that again for a few weeks best of all I only had 30 euros in there so not bad


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