False holiday claim thrown out of UK court

Couple who filed bogus claim are ordered to pay £17,200 to TUI

The resort where the couple stayed in Benidorm


In another victory for the UK travel industry, a Liverpool couple have been caught out after claiming compensation for a holiday in Benidorm which they alleged was ruined by food-poisoning.

Successful claims to tour operators are usually compensated by the hotel in which the claimants were staying and the sector has been demanding action from the British authorities over fake claims.

However, in this case, 22-year-old Jamie Melling and his 21-year-old girlfriend, Chelsea Devine, waited eight months after returning home before submitting a compensation claim for £2,800 (about €3,200) to TUI.

In addition, they had apparently forgotten having posted “selfies” on the internet during their break, which the judge said showed them looking happy and healthy.


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