Costa policeman takes toys to Greek refugee camps

Gilberto Morales will ride his bike around the country visiting the camps

Officer Gilberto Morales with Benalmádena councillor Irene Díaz Ortega before he left for Greece

A NATIONAL policeman from the Benalmádena-Torremolinos police commissary has set off on a charity cycling trip around Greece, to visit children in the country’s refugee camps and distribute toys and gifts.

Gilberto Morales, from Benalmádena, travelled to Athens last week to begin his month-long charity trip with more than 400 pencil cases filled with goods including toys, stationery and books, which have been put together through donations. Some of these were to be handed out during his five-day stay in the Greek capital, before Morales set off on his 1200-km round-trip visiting the country’s refugee camps, taking with him some of the cases for children he meets along his journey.


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