Bank bother

Hands typing on vintage typewriter on wooden table.

February 20

Dear Sir,

I am 93 years old and I am writing to you to let you know of my experience as a customer since 1956 of BBVA (back then it was Banco Vizcaya). Some time ago I read an article in CBN about the elderly having problems with banks.

I called into the bank to obtain information for my tax return (renta), there was a new machine at the door which was to obtain a number. As I was not able to operate this, a very kind Spanish man offered to assist me and after inserting my ID number three times I was unable to obtain a number. Someone said perhaps I had no prior appointment and as there was no offer of help from any of the employees I decided to return home and phone for an appointment.

I spoke to someone and asked if there is anyone in the bank to be able to assist me on the phone due to my age otherwise I would have to climb up three steps to be able to enter the bank premises and I would have to move my wheelchair around on a very small landing. The operator said she would get Maria to phone me. I waited for a time and as there was no return call, I took a friend with me to the bank before they closed and waited a while and then the same lady attended to me as last year, for the same request – an extract of my UK pension received for last year 2022. I was told this would cost me €3 for three printed out pages.

I thought this seemed a lot at the time, on returning home I noticed it included my whole bank account movements. I phoned again and spoke to the same operator and asked if Maria could phone me. I am still waiting for the call.

Last year I also had to go back and get it redone but it was still not quite right and I had to hope hacienda would accept it. This had always be done no problem in previous years. I think it is about time this operator learns to operate a ‘spread sheet’.

I remain yours faithfully.
Colin Franklin

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