Rees-Mogg is a man trapped in the past

To his credit, Rees-Mogg gave direct answers in the breakfast TV interview and didn't try to hide his views under a smokescreen of obfuscation

So, last month I quoted journalist Quentin Letts who memorably dubbed Jacob Rees-Mogg ‘the honourable member for the early 20th century’. Well, following the backbench MP’s now notorious Good Morning Britain interview where he expounded his abhorrent views on abortion and same sex marriage, we should really call him ‘the honourable member for the Dark Ages’.
His opposition to gay marriage was he said based on the teachings of the Catholic Church, teachings that are outdated and discriminatory. These were created in part on the assumption that being gay is unnatural when it is not. Just imagine the pain and frustration of being a gay Catholic, as devout as any other and wanting to be married to your life partner in the eyes of your god, but told you can’t through no fault of your own. It’s yet another example of Catholic cruelty.
Sacramental marriage became a part of canon law at the Council of Trent in the 16th century and was updated under Pope Pius X in the early 20th century. In other words, it is a set of rules and guidelines written by a group of men who were not as well informed or as enlightened as we are today on matters of sexuality.
Religions are fundamentally about social justice, equality and protecting the marginalised. Yet, some Catholics like Rees-Mogg fail in these responsibilities when they discriminate against people because of who they sleep with. Their arguments are either based on fear, revulsion or ignorance. Or all three.
With regards to his opposition to abortion in all circumstances, including rape and incest, Rees-Mogg talked about life being sacrosanct. Well, you’d think then that being a religious fellow he would have greater consideration for life that is already living and not be so keen to reduce spending on welfare benefits to those who need them the most.
When you watch and listen to him, you do not see a man who wants to help the vulnerable in society as I’m sure Christ would’ve wanted. You see an elitist who has more in common with the money changers who Jesus drove from the temple.
To his credit, Rees-Mogg gave direct answers in the breakfast TV interview and didn’t try to hide his views under a smokescreen of obfuscation. However, he and his ilk are fighting a losing battle as wider society demonstrates greater tolerance and understanding than those wedded to archaic beliefs.


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