Nigel Farage the Movie

The insincere, arrogant, smarmy and self-absorbed form of Nigel Farage could be gazing down at us from the big screen

Be afraid. Be very afraid. The stuff of nightmares could be coming to a cinema near you soon. The insincere, arrogant, smarmy and self-absorbed form of Nigel Farage could be gazing down at us from the big screen. Newspapers are full of rumours that a Hollywood studio has bought the rights to the best-selling diary of the referendum campaign The Bad Boys of Brexit. The story is told from the point of view of a US pollster who advised the Leave campaign, and Farage looms large in the story.
When the country went a bit mad and voted to leave the European Union, I accepted our fate and looked at every cloud for a silver lining. I found one, and that was when Farage stepped down from UKIP.
I thought that would be the end of him and that he’d wander off into obscurity, perhaps to drink real beer with real people in real pubs. This public school educated former banker is so in touch with the common man. However, he’s been anything but quiet, especially with his toadying up to Trump. Anyone who considers the US President to be “a breath of fresh air” as he does is obviously a git of the highest order.
And what will the denouement be to a Brexit movie? UKIP imploding? The Tory party in turmoil unable to get its Brexit negotiating act together? A country more divided and anxious about the future than it has been for generations?
It’s easy to guess the genre. It will either be a disaster movie or a farce. And obviously, like a lot of what this failed MP candidate (seven Westminster elections contested, seven defeats – ouch!) says, it will most likely be a work of pure fiction.


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