Firework safety for kids ahead of Fallas


GOOD news for anyone terrified of crossing the street during the March Fallas festival: Local police are running firework safety campaigns in Gandia schools.
A total of 2,800 pupils in 22 primary schools, State-run and private and the concertados, which are halfway between the two, will be given ‘don’t be flash with fireworks’ talks and learn about how, when, and where they should and should not be used.

By Samantha Kett


  1. HOLA I am going to Valencia on March 9th I have been going to Fallas for 15 years I go to the corrides and many parties and meet many of my friends there and always have a great time I have my plane, tickets and hotel all reserved At this time I am worried because of the Coro 19 virus I am 71 years old and worried because of my age and at the Plaza De Toros because of how close we sit to each . I have made up my mind to go I have my own rules to follow a mask (so I don’t touch my face) about this , no kissing and washing my hands often . Is there any other information you can give me Thank You Lydia Ackerman

    • So far Fallas festivities and surrounding events have not been cancelled. General precautions as you mention are advised.


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