The new United Kingdom


June 28

Our Prime Minister, Boris has pledged billions to get Britain going again. Everything from hospitals to hospitality, pot holes to people power. As a retired British National I am amazed at how many of us “oldies” have taken up the challenge in UK & performed extreme feats for their capabilities to endure to provide cash for essential services, one gallant ex-serviceman even receiving a knighthood for his efforts. Well done to all. Does that mean that our British NHS depends on such contributions? Again, Boris is determined that our citizens, shown to be rather stout & unfit due to our diet, must follow his example & do a few press ups etc. & adjust our eating habits. I have a simple solution. Like myself, there are still quite a few of us around who grew up during WW2. We were all skinny little kids as I recall, reared on wartime rations. As there may be difficulties in the supply chain also later with not enough workers prepared to gather crops due to the hard nature of the work, could this be the answer?

There are, of course, two sides to consider. No pizza deliveries. Could we survive?

A. Frances.

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