Testing, testing

Hands typing on black vintage typewriter, top view, retro toned

Costa Blanca News readers had their say on our Facebook page this week, responding to the headline – Covid travel test providers warned over ‘cowboy behaviour’ (see the story on p10).

Rich Tarran
About time they either greatly reduced the prices or the government pays for them as they are of no use to the traveller

Andrew Robson
About time they did something. I tried the gov app providers yesterday, most claim from £20 but never found one at that price. Should be capped the same as France

Debii Souter
Just get rid of them altogether, I say. If have been double jabbed what’s the problem? Just a money making racket

Wendy Harvey
Cap prices! Simple enough, then we all know what we’re doing.
Why do they wait for rogues to invade a system before doing something about it?

Wake up, please


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