US nuke accident film to feature Palomares

French documentary maker admits to being surprised radioactive soil remains in area 50 years after incident

Guardia Civil officers and civilians stand next to the tail section of one of the stricken aircraft in 1966

By Richard Torné

A French film maker currently shooting a documentary about US military nuclear accidents says he was shocked to discover how much radiation still remained in Palomares more than 50 years after the incident.

Director Thierry Piantanida was in Palomares last week filming interviews for the France 5 TV documentary, ‘Cold War’s Broken Arrows’.

The film, due for release later this year, charts the 30 accidents that happened between 1950 and 1968 involving US nuclear weapons, including the 1966 Palomares accident, when a B-52 bomber carrying four thermonuclear bombs collided with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refuelling.


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