On the mend

Dangerous roads repaired across La Safor


PROBLEMATIC roads throughout La Safor – some of which have been the scene of fatal accidents – are due for an overhaul thanks to a €600,000 investment by the provincial council.
Oliva, La Font d’En Carròs, Simat de la Valldigna, Villalonga and its neighbour Ador will benefit from the Diputación de Valencia’s generosity.
For Oliva, the Pego road – or CV-678 – which runs past the Molinell river will be resurfaced in stages, as will the entrance to the CV-600 mountain road in Simat which climbs to the Barxeta area in Barx.
The stretch between La Font and neighbouring Rafelcofer – regularly used by expats to get onto the CV-60 motorway for the ‚back route‘ to Alicante airport – is the most crucial, since three people have been killed on it in the last 19 years.
Accidents causing deaths happened in 1997, 2005 and, the most recent, in 2011.

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