Woman shot in popular Mojacar restaurant

An innocent diner in Tito's Cantina was shot twice on Valentine's Day after a man fired a weapon next door

Bars Joe Beach and La Cantina were the scene of a shooting last weekend

By David Jackson

A 68-year-old Icelandic woman was shot twice in the chest on Valentine’s Day after a firearm was discharged next door as she sat in a popular local restaurant. The bullets pierced the thin wall and hit the diner.

She was rushed to a local hospital where her condition was described as stable. She was released the next day and returned home to recuperate.

The weapon was fired at 8:45 pm at the busiest point of the evening. Staff at La Cantina raised the alarm and the area was quickly sealed off by the Guardia Civil.

The Guardia Civil arrested a man at midnight on suspicion of firing the shot. He was named as French citizen R.H.J.A. and police confirmed he ran the business from which the shot was fired, which is named as Joé Beach. He has been charged with causing injury by firearm.

The man’s family later released a statement claiming that the shooting had been an accident caused whilst he was manipulating a 1914 oxidized gun found in boxes inherited from his late grandfather.


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