Where is David Oldman?

Family of missing British walker to return to spot where he was last seen in June as search is scaled back

Mr Oldman went missing more than two-and-a-half months ago

By Richard Torné

Relatives of a British man who went missing in Huércal Overa in June while on a trekking holiday across Spain are planning to visit the area on September 10 to mark the third-month anniversary of his disappearance.

David Oldman, 66, from Leicester, was last seen leaving the Hostal Zurich in Huércal Overa on the morning of June 9. He was heading for Albox but never arrived at his destination.


  1. David is my brother. Myself and family as well as some friends are gathering in Plaza Mayor in Huercol Overa at 9.00am on Saturday 10th September and walking to Albox.
    You will be very welcome to join us at the start or during our walk.
    Thank you all for your support and puiblicity.

    Nigel Oldman


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