Migrant internment centre plans criticised

Migrants such as these could be held in a secure centre until their cases are heard by a magistrate

By David Jackson

Fears have been raised over plans to convert an unused prison in Almería city to hold migrants who have been detained while attempting to enter the country.

The 5,000-square metre correctional facility in the El Puche suburb of the city was renovated in 2013 to act as a secure day centre for prisoners who were reaching the end of their sentences and preparing to re-enter society.

But budget cutbacks meant that the ministry of the interior never opened the facility, instead opting to continue using the congested unit at the provincial El Acebuche jail.

The government’s top official in Almería, Andrés García, said: “The original installation was not secure enough. We intend to continue with the secure day centre in a separate and more secure environment nearby.”


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