Ex-mayors in the dock

High profile Albox and Zurgena planning corruption trials deemed ‘waste of time’

Former Albox mayor Francisco Granero was on trial for planning fraud last week

By Emma Randle

Two former mayors from Albox and Zurgena have been on trial in Almería this week, both accused of allowing the construction of illegal houses in the property boom more than 10 years ago.

Ex-Albox mayor Francisco Granero was on trial last week for allegedly perverting the course of justice and failing to take action against planning offences. The case involves illegal houses in La Ajambra where Sr Granero signed off contracts for the supply of water and electricity despite the houses having no planning permission or first occupation licences.

Meanwhile, the long running ‘macro planning fraud’ case labelled ‘Costurero’ in Zurgena returned to the courts last month, with British homeowners taking to the witness stand this week.


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