Ecologist alarm at fourth turtle death

Concerns raised over deadly fishing hooks and dumped plastic

The loggerhead turtle that was washed up dead at the weekend

Ecologists have highlighted man’s negative impact on the local environment after a loggerhead sea turtle was found washed up dead on a beach in Almería at the weekend – the fourth case in less than a month.

The adult turtle, a male which had a badly deformed shell, probably caused by a fishing net or a rope, was found on the El Alcón beach in Carboneras on Saturday (April 9) by a member of the public.

According to the Equinac animal rescue association large quantities of plastic were found in the animal’s digestive tract, although they could not confirm that this was the cause of death.

It is the fourth incident in the province involving loggerhead sea turtles, which are classed as ‘vulnerable’ in the list of threatened species compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


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