British homes electricity supply cut off

Illegal homes were connected ‘for the sake of humanity’ says barred ex-mayor

The remains of an illegal home which was bulldozed in Cantoria

By David Jackson

Six illegal expat-owned homes in Cantoria have been left without electricity after their unlicensed tap into a nearby transformer was disconnected.

Now the council has lodged a denuncia (complaint) with the Guardia Civil asking them to investigate the matter, after the town’s electrician found a 500-metre cable running from the transformer to the homes.

According to the complaint, the six homes had been connected to a transformer belonging to the local water community (Comunidad de Regantes), under an informal agreement brokered between the ex-mayor of Cantoria, Pedro Llamas, and the Dutch builder of the six homes four years ago.

The home-owners were advised on a monthly basis what their contribution would be towards the electric bill, and the money was collected by the builder.

Sr Llamas is reported to have told the council that he suggested the temporary connection whilst in office, and that he did it “for the sake of humanity”.


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