‘Just Nine’ (A poem inspired by the tragic murder of Olivia Pratt-Korbel)


Just nine
No chance to prosper and to grow
Just nine
Olivia caught in something
No child should even know
A victim pure and innocent
Shot down without a thought
A gunman still alive and free
Who now has to be caught
Her family in turmoil now
Unable to believe
How their little girl has lost her life
How forever they will grieve
It seems that life is meaningless
To those without a heart
Who treat life as an arcade game
Where weapons play their part
Just nine
A child shot randomly
And who paid with her young life
Just nine
An act of violence
In a world where murder’s rife
Olivia God Bless you
Spread your Angel wings and fly
Live a better life in Heaven
As we’re left to wonder

by David Whitney, Torrevieja, Spain © 2022


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