Hundreds evacuated from apartment block

Angry residents forced into emergency shelters stage sit-in protests following fears flats could collapse

The apartment block was evacuated after a corridor collapsed

By David Jackson

Hundreds of residents of an apartment block in one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Almería city were evacuated last Friday (January 27) after the authorities feared it would collapse.

The alarm was raised after a man walking along a second storey internal corridor was injured when the floor collapsed onto the floor below.

The 65-year-old building is known as El Patio and consists of four connected wings around a central courtyard. It is sited in the deprived Pescadería area of the capital city, between Avenida del Mar and Las Llanas street.

Council technicians, concerned at the state of the building, convened the emergency committee of Almería council who declared an emergency eviction order that same night.


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