Gabriel’s tragic end

Partner of boy’s father confesses to murder two days after body is found in boot of her car

Ana Julia Quezada was ever-present during the search for Gabriel and often appeared on TV embracing the boy’s father and her partner, Ángel (Photo: EFE)

By Richard Torné

The search for missing eight-year-old Gabriel Cruz came to a tragic end at the weekend after his body was discovered by the Guardia Civil in the boot of the car of his father’s girlfriend.

Ana Julia Quezada, 43, was arrested on Sunday (March 11) as she was about to drive into her garage in the village of Puebla de Vícar with Gabriel’s body wrapped in a blanket.

Gabriel disappeared on February 27 after leaving his grandmother’s house to meet his cousin a short walk away in the rural district of Las Hortichuelas.

The disappearance sparked a huge search involving thousands of police and volunteers.

On Tuesday afternoon she confessed her crime under police questioning.


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