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Restrictions lifted for Gandía forest fire aid

INCOME levels will be no barrier to regional government help for victims of the Marxuquera fire in response to Gandía mayoress Diana Morant's request.

Farmers storm Valencia city

OVER 20,000 farmers from across the Valencia region demonstrated in Valencia city to call for improved working conditions. The protest was a sight to behold,...

Back to school with a difference

Schools in Valencia and Murcia regions are opening in a few days’ time and regional governments are still adjusting their own guidelines and introducing...

Biggest ever budget for the region

The Valencia regional government has approved a budget for 2022 of €27.9 billion – an increase in spending of 9.1% on this year. It was...

The EU ‘cannot fail’ to deliver

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Valencia president Ximo Puig have called on the European Union to provide the tools to allow member states to...

Catalan day of defiance

DESPITE specific orders from Madrid for police to seize ballot boxes and close poll stations in Cataluña on Sunday, the nationalist government insists the...

“They are muderers, all Spain is Barcelona” says King

The Royal House led by King Felipe VI has expressed its most severe condemnation of the Barcelona attacks this afternoon. "They are all murderers,...

Subsidising renewable energy systems

From the end of this month, regional government subsidies can be applied for to install systems that use energy from renewable sources. These are available...

Three arrested, two in hiding over Llíria death

THREE of the five people who ran over and killed the watchman of a marihuana plantation back in August have been arrested. The incident took...

Ribera chemists’ run out of mosquito ointment

PHARMACIES in the Ribera Alta are becoming desperate as stocks of mosquito repellent and insect bite cream have run out.

‘Jellyfish’ ravers arrive

Thousands of ravers eager to enjoy the famous Medusa electronic music festival have started to arrive in Cullera. The event begins today (Friday) and...

2023 was a hot and dry taste of things to come

An ‘extremely hot and dry’ year in the Valencia region is forecast to end with the third driest trimester in a century and a...

Row blows up over ‘inflated’ supermarket prices

The Valencia government has called for ‘dialogue’ after minister for social rights, Ione Belarra insisted that the coalition national government that she forms part...

Theresa May ‘will not acknowledge’ Catalan independence

British PM Theresa May told her Spanish counterpart Mariano Rajoy today (Tuesday) that she 'will not acknowledge'' an independent Cataluña. A statement released this...



Calling in the cavalry – ITV reinforcements being hired

Measures to address the difficulty of obtaining appointments for ITV (MOT) vehicle inspections have been approved, now that industrial action to demand equal pay...