What are we doing during the lockdown


March 26

Dear Barry,
I enjoyed your article in the CBN last week. I’m sure a lot of people will take up your suggestions of things to do – I don’t think I will have the time! As you will see in my timetable it is pretty full!
So in response to your request I have written our daily timetable plus a comparison of how we used to spend our time (600 words – which may be a bit long but I can cut it down if you prefer).
I have copied it below but also have it on a word doc. Please let me know if you need any further information or pictures.

Best regards
Wendy Macdiarmid

Wendy and Donnie Macdiarmid
– how we are spending our time
Although pensioners, we are, thankfully, both fit and healthy. Before the state of emergency was declared our days were always busy: cycling, doing voluntary work and generally enjoying ourselves.
We rarely spent a lot of time indoors, so this has been quite a change, but we have embraced it and are determined to make the most of our enforced confinement.
Donnie has been painting the balustrades and sorting the garage out as well as practising his bagpipes.Apart from catching up on neglected housework and sorting cupboards etc. I have started writing stories and letters – something I haven’t done for a long time. You can imagine how pleased I was, last week, when the Daily Mail printed the first letter I sent them. This is my second so I hope it is successful!
I have been far more adventurous with our evening meals now with more time on my hands.
Normally we would eat out at least a couple of times a week. I have also made time to give my husband Spanish lessons – he is a few years behind me with his learning so now is the time for him to catch up!
This is our daily timetable:
Morning – a cup of tea in bed and read the latest headlines online from the UK & Spain. I start the day, as usual, with half an hour of yoga exercises whilst Donnie goes outside and sets up the table tennis on the terrace (weather permitting, i.e. if it’s not too windy). We play a few games before breakfast, and then do a crossword between us.
Once a week I have a Spanish conversation lesson using a video call through WhatsApp with my teacher who, of course, is not allowed to visit me.
Donnie and I take it in turns to go shopping – maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Later I do some housework until lunchtime.
After lunch, every other day, I cycle to visit an elderly friend of ours who lives alone – she is 97 years old and was very independent until she had a fall a few weeks ago and now needs a walking frame to move around her house. I have been stopped by the police on the way around to see her but they were happy with my reason for being out and advised me to wear a mask and gloves when entering her house.
Help at Home, based in Ciudad Quesada – Jacky’s Angels, I call the ladies who come and do her shopping – have been marvellous doing her shopping and little jobs for her.
During the afternoon, my husband spends half an hour or so doing his online Spanish course before having a siesta. I relax, either outside on the terrace or inside, depending on the weather, and read or watch Spanish television.
Later I call one of my friends who lives alone – I imagine it is much harder on your own with nobody to talk to all day.
Although a friend of mine said that she thinks a lot of couples will be struggling if they are not used to spending so much time together – I think she may be right!
After our evening meal, we either play a game of scrabble or watch TV. We have subscribed to Netflix and are enjoying watching old series that previously we didn’t have the time to follow.
Although our age group are considered to be most at risk, especially with underlying health reasons, we count our blessings and believe that we are the lucky ones with a secure income, unlike many people and businesses, large and small, struggling to cope.


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