Good Neighbour

Hands typing on vintage typewriter on wooden table.

March 4


On Thursday I received a letter from the Age in Spain Good Neighbour Award stating I had been nominated by persons unknown to be considered for this award due to the work I do on behalf of anyone who seeks help.

They further informed me from a group of forty finalist I had been selected for a Good Neighbour Commendation. I am extremely proud to receive such a prestigious award.

This award would not have been achieved without the help from Torrevieja Sur Coalition of Communities members, and Colin and Sarahanne for providing a venue for our meetings – and the cooperation of the town hall led by the mayor Eduardo Dolón his team of councillors and their aides who patiently listen to my grievances and demands for investment and maintenance of council property.

There are councillors by nature of their departments are consulted more than others these include Federico; Sandra; Concha; Maria-Jose and Gitte.

The help of the aforementioned people gives me confidence to carry on representing Torresur.

Finally, Anne who patiently (sometimes) supports me,

Jim Brogan


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