What have the Romans ever done for us?


You’ll remember the classic Monty Pythons sketch, I’m sure, though you might not have realised at the time that there is an oblique reference to the subject of today’s Cork Talk.
The Romans also came to Spain, bringing with them their aqueducts, sanitation etc. and, unknowingly, would ultimately leave the enduring legacy of the Bobal grape variety! The story, in fact, isn’t so well documented – Wikipedia, will give you the vaguest reference to the Romans, without at all capturing the romance of the true story. For this, please visit www.colinharknessonwine.com/articles/, where you can scroll down a little and see it as I wrote it a few years ago!

NB Two excellent wine related events have some places left: Sat. 25th Nov at Moraira´s Club Nautico, Four-Course Dinner with paired wines and music from Claire-Marie www.clairemarie.es, 40€ ; and Friday 1st December at Bodegas Blasco, Teulada – five wines being tasted with nibbles too, just 10€! Please call me to reserve 629 388 159!


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