Scooters under scrutiny

Tourists on scooters in Benidorm Photo: David Revenga

Costa Blanca News Facebook page readers responded to the teaser of the story on p10 about Benidorm local police carrying out additional checks on electric scooters

Wilhelmina van der Horn lamented that ‘a few days ago I was almost hit by one driving on the side walk when I was coming out of my apartment in Alicante’.

Wendy Harvey stated: “I could easily have killed someone.
“I was legally driving along a one-way street when one suddenly appeared from a sidestreet (going in the wrong direction) and almost ended up under my wheels.
“She wore no helmet and made off at speed after I’d slammed on my brakes.
“If my reactions hadn’t been good, she’d have been killed.
“I’d say she was in her mid/ late teens.
“No helmet, so my guess she wasn’t insured either.”

b said that ‘in Orihuela Costa they still whizz around uncontrolled’.

Gill Watson said the same happens in Torrevieja – ‘my hearts in my mouth every time I see one on the road, the riders just don’t seem to see the danger they put themselves in’, she said.


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