Renewable energy = cheaper bills

Hands typing on vintage typewriter on wooden table.

January 10

Dear Editor,

I am flabbergasted by some of the comments I read on your Facebook page, and the general level of ignorance about vehicle emissions and the damage this does to people’s health; and indeed almost anything to do with trying to clean up the planet.

One of the very common errors I see, which seems to be encouraged by climate change deniers, is that green energy or renewable energy is somehow more expensive than energy produced from polluting sources such as coal-fired power stations. This is of course complete nonsense.

There is a very simple way in Spain of proving this and viewing the evidence. On very windy days in this country the wholesale price of electricity plummets. For those of us who are not tied into private supply contracts and benefit from the PVPC government regulated tariff the amount we are charged changes by the hour.

On days when wind floods the market with large amounts of additional electricity, it means that we benefit from times during the day when it costs almost nothing to use household appliances. And this is thanks to renewable energy. The same will happen as more and more solar power plants supply energy to the national grid. We will have cheaper electricity. Anyone who thinks that ‘green’ is hitting them in their pockets really needs to wake up.

The energy crisis of 2022 was caused by our over reliance on fossil fuels. It was Russian gas which was the source of the problem. By phasing out fossil fuels such as gas and oil, despotic regimes around the world will lose the income which brings them hundreds of billions of dollars every year.
Moving to renewable energy is a win-win situation. Lower bills, cleaner air, better health, less cash for dictatorships – and we might just save the planet from man-made destruction.

Robert Smith,


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