Held to ransom at Spanish customs

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November 19

Re: last week’s letter.

I realise that my issue with Spanish customs pales into insignificance compared to your experience. But I felt it worthwhile to share my experience.

My granddaughter helped my great-grandson produce a Halloween picture to send to us in Spain. It was a simple childish picture on an A4 sheet to paper.

He produced two, one for his grandma who also lives close to me and one for us, his great-grandma and great-granddad. They were posted using the UK tracked system and cost eight pounds to send. It was of no value, other than as a keepsake for us of his first picture.

I was aghast when the postman called and apologetically asked us to pay €5.03 for the letter. I was disgusted and almost refused to receive the letter. But as I knew it was from my great-grandson, I accepted it with bad grace and paid my money.

I have since told my friends and relatives not to post anything to us in Spain. I am disgusted by this and wish I knew where to complain.

A sorry state of affairs bought on us by Brexit!.

Lynn Hickman


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