Coffee, the medical marvel

Woo hoo!! Research by scientists have found that higher levels of coffee consumption are associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes

I love coffee with a passion that frightens me, and can’t imagine life without frequent injections of the precious liquid. Having said that, my enjoyment is sometimes tempered by thoughts that I may be doing my body some harm. But I can now banish all such negative considerations. Research by scientists at Imperial College London and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have found that higher levels of coffee consumption are associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes. Woo hoo!! I’m going to live to be 100. I want to plant a smacker on the lips of each and every one of the scientists involved for bringing us such wonderful news. Mind you, there is the thorny issue of a little scientific small print.
The positive effects may not actually be down to the brew itself but the fact that coffee drinkers have apparently healthy behaviours. Then of course future studies may come along that completely contradict this research. But for the moment, I’m clinging onto the findings with fervour.
Behold, we have found the elixir of life, and it smells and tastes delicious.

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