Crimewatch is being bumped off

Just when we needed Crimewatch the most - with the Met taking a back seat - the BBC is leading it away from our screens

Just when we need Crimewatch the most with the Met taking a back seat the BBC is leading it away from our screens to make way for other programmes. Most likely it’s being replaced by reality non-entities singing, baking, dancing or some other trashy schedule filler.
It always struck me as a curious show based on the premise that reconstructions of criminal acts would somehow jog viewers’ memories. You know, if I saw six men running into a bank armed to the teeth with sawn-off shotguns I don’t think I’d need a TV programme to remind me. Still, the reconstruction scenes gave some out of work actor Johnnies a bit of screen time to pad out their showreels.
And credit where credit is due Crimewatch did help to solve a number of crimes including a couple of murders. But every dog has its day and so the BBC has taken an axe to it which sounds horrific. As Nick Ross, one of the programme’s original hosts used to say, “Don’t have nightmares”.

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