Snow, wind and rain for Good Friday


Snow is affecting driving on 24 roads in Spain, according to the national traffic department (DGT).

The adverse conditions associated with Storm Nelson are principally hitting highways in the centre and north of the country.

With Easter getaways continuing today (Good Friday), the DGT has warned drivers to check the conditions of roads via their social media accounts and website.

HGVs have been prohibited from using the A-6 motorway in Brazuelo and Vega de Valcarce in León province; and the A-6 in Pedrafita Do Cebreiro in Lugo.

They note that the A-52 at Palacios de Sanabria in Zamora province is ‘open’ but motorists are advised to ‘take care’.

AEMET has issued warnings for snow in Navarra, Huesca and Lleida – as well as central areas including the mountains around Madrid, Soria, Segovia and Ávila.

Other provinces are on alert for storms, including Castellón in the north of the Valencia region and Zaragoza.

Very high winds are due to start again soon – the north of Alicante province is on a yellow warning, which runs from noon until 18.00, with gusts due to reach up to 70 km/h, according to AEMET.


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