Argy-bargy over smoking ban


The smoking ban on bar and restaurant terraces in the Valencia region is causing conflict this summer, with tourists arriving from other parts of Spain where the prohibition does not exist.

Waiters and owners have complained that they are having to police the legislation – and are often forced to deal with uncooperative and sometimes aggressive customers who claim they have the right to smoke.

Full report in Friday’s Costa Blanca News

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  1. About smoking and the right to smoke. Smoking should be declared as a crime against peoples right to breath clean air. The cigars and cigarrets should be much more expensive and a part of the price should be used for healing non smokers lung deseases caused by having to work together with smokers in unhealthy surroundings.

    • Being a do-gooder should be a criminal offence. There’s plenty of fresh air out there for everyone without the need for these bully boy do-gooders forcing their intolerant views on everyone else who enjoys a harmless smoke.

  2. I agree. I have a lung problem, not through smoking and being in smokey areas does not help me at all. I particularly hate it when I am eating and everything tastes of smoke.


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