Toothache caused by the dentist


April 21, 2018

My friend went to the dentist on Monday, March 26 (so we call the dentist C). My friend had toothache so the dentist filled it (€86). But by Wednesday my friend was in agony with toothache, but no use phoning C up as they close Wednesday afternoon.
On the Thursday, my friend phoned at 9am and was told the office is closed till next Tuesday, so we got in contact with another dentist who we call P.
My friend went straight to her clinic and was told the tooth that had been filled by C was rotten and needed to be removed (€100) plus antibiotics as there was an abscess. On the Thursday my friend went back to P, who made an x-ray of her bottom teeth. On the following Thursday she had to go back to P to have the other tooth extracted (€100 plus €535 for a new half bottom set). But it didn’t end there having had the second tooth out. My friend was in agony till the following Wednesday, when the second abscess burst, so that same day she had to go back to P for a check and more antibiotics – two packets.
My friend is still having trouble eating, but would never ever go back. Dentist C wins hands down. This is a true story.
Someone who knows.

Susan Lloyd

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