Health officials face court investigation

GRAFCVA3849. MANISES (VALENCIA), 06/04/2020.- Operarios con traje de protección se disponen a comenzar la descarga de las 65 toneladas de material sanitario que la Generalitat ha comprado a China, y que han llegado en un avión de carga este lunes al mediodía al aeropuerto de Manises. EFE/Juan Carlos Cárdenas

Two high-ranking public health officials in the Valencia region are being investigated for allegedly failing to protect doctors and nurses from Covid-19 during the height of the pandemic earlier this year.

A spokesman for the Regional Supreme Court (TSJ) noted that a judge has started a probe to see if a crime was committed against workers’ rights.

Full report in Friday’s Costa Blanca News – available from supermarkets, tobacconists/newspaper shops and online at



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