Healthcare agreement for expats

BR06 BRUSELAS (BÉLGICA), 28/08/2017.- Fotografía fechada el 28 de julio de 2017 que muestra al negociador comunitario, Michel Barnie (d) y al ministro para la salida británica de la Unión Europea (UE), David Davies (i) en Bruselas, Bélgica. La Unión Europea y Reino Unido inician hoy, 28 de agosto de 2017 la tercera ronda de la primera fase de las negociaciones sobre los términos del "brexit" (la salida del Reino Unido de la UE), prevista para marzo de 2019. EFE/Olivier Hoslet

THE THIRD round of EU exit negotiations in Brussels ended last week with Brexit secretary David Davis MP promising that a deal had been reached over healthcare and citizens’ rights.

In his closing remarks, Mr Davis – the head of the UK’s department for exiting the European Union – stated that his team and that of EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier ‘had long and detailed discussions across multiple areas’.

“I think it is fair to say that we have seen some concrete progress,” he said.

Full story in Friday’s Costa Blanca News


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