Fly-tippers will be fined


A period of public information will be followed by fines being imposed on ‘uncivilised behaviour’ in Almoradí, announced the town hall.

The campaign ‘Se Busca Civilismo’ (wanted: civility) was presented by mayoress María Gómez,

Full story in Friday’s Costa Blanca News (south and Murcia edition)




  1. I live at La Marquesa Golf near Rojales . We have problems with overflowing bins and bags on the floor by the bins. The reason being on the road I live Avenida De La Marquesa ,which is a very long road . we had 7 bins and now they have taken 3 bins away and leaving us just 4 . So people cannot get their rubbish in the bin so its put by the side of the bin . More often than not they are only emptied every 2 days . Its a problem created either by the refuse company or the the local town hall . We used to get our bins washed out but now they don’t bother as its all down to saving money .The waste bins and bottle bins outside the bars here are disgusting . Not a very good advert for holiday makers and visitors .


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