Disappointed, but hopeful


Oliva, La Safor
June 1

As a long time reader of the Costa Levante News I have been very disappointed with the current format, (but that’s a subject for another day,) such that I was seriously thinking of discontinuing readership. However, two items in this week’s edition (No.667] have more than made up for the perceived deficiency.
Firstly the letter from Mr Cliff Bell on the subject of “Remainer,” – Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, You should consider him for a regular contributor, perhaps in place of the Tom Draper column, which (IMHO) is generally a waste of space.
Secondly, the article by James Parkes on page 51’ “Say when.” Again, Spot-on. My only question arising is why there is such a to-do about retaining UK voting rights for permanent (Spanish,) ex-pat residents, when it would be much more appropriate for them to be given Spanish National voting rights, so that they have a say in selecting the government which taxes them.

For the sake of brevity, yours sincerely,
A. Perry


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